I strongly suspect that a business I frequent is interfering with cell phone signals. I have never been able to make any kind of call while there, and even text messages often fail to send. This is not related to my phone, as I have had the same problem with my last phone on another carrier and my wife's phone (also on Verizon).
My phone thinks the signal is great (3 or 4 bars), but can't even check voicemail. The problem persists - but goes away when I leave the building - until I'm about 10 feet from the front of the location. I suspect the building is made of lead or some other material, because I can pick up Wi-Fi signals (from Comcast, etc.) when I'm inside. I know we're talking about different frequencies, but I think most building materials that block RF do so somewhat indiscriminately.signal jammer
Anyway, I wonder if Verizon could come check it out. If they don't block it, I might have to try a new carrier.
I know how important it is to be able to rely on your service.

Does the problem occur in a different location?
You mentioned that service resumed after leaving the building. Since our cell towers are located outdoors, there are many variables that can affect signal penetration, such as foliage and building materials. This is different from WiFi, which uses a router that allows the signal to be wirelessly accessible inside a building. We do offer network extenders, which can utilize your existing high-speed internet connection to enhance indoor service.cell phone jammer
Comcast WiFi is an outdoor public hotspot - not inside a building at all. Also, I have received strong signals from many off-site WiFi hotspots. I know this is not a foolproof test, but it at least shows that some RF can penetrate buildings very easily. Also, (while I also know this is not perfect) my cell phone reports a strong signal. However, as I said, I cannot even have a poor quality phone conversation. Also, it seems to affect a lot of people, as evidenced by how many people are out making or receiving calls. It only happens at this location. I didn't actually say it happens when I leave the building, I said it happens when I leave the building.
Recommendations for Reporting a Business That Impedes Telephone Signal Functionality
I strongly suspect that a business I frequent is interfering with cell phone signals. I have never been able to make any kind of call while there, and even text messages often fail to send. This is not related to my phone, as I have had the same problem with my last phone on another carrier and my wife's phone (also on Verizon).
My phone thinks the signal is great (3 or 4 bars), but can't even check voicemail. The problem persists - but goes away when I leave the building - until I'm about 10 feet from the front of the location. I suspect the building is made of lead or some other material, because I can pick up Wi-Fi signals (from Comcast, etc.) when I'm inside. I know we're talking about different frequencies, but I think most building materials that block RF do so somewhat indiscriminately.signal jammer
Anyway, I wonder if Verizon could come check it out. If they don't block it, I might have to try a new carrier.
I know how important it is to be able to rely on your service.

Does the problem occur in a different location?You mentioned that service resumed after leaving the building. Since our cell towers are located outdoors, there are many variables that can affect signal penetration, such as foliage and building materials. This is different from WiFi, which uses a router that allows the signal to be wirelessly accessible inside a building. We do offer network extenders, which can utilize your existing high-speed internet connection to enhance indoor service.cell phone jammer
Comcast WiFi is an outdoor public hotspot - not inside a building at all. Also, I have received strong signals from many off-site WiFi hotspots. I know this is not a foolproof test, but it at least shows that some RF can penetrate buildings very easily. Also, (while I also know this is not perfect) my cell phone reports a strong signal. However, as I said, I cannot even have a poor quality phone conversation. Also, it seems to affect a lot of people, as evidenced by how many people are out making or receiving calls. It only happens at this location. I didn't actually say it happens when I leave the building, I said it happens when I leave the building.
on November 15 at 3:25